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Beeswax Bee Products

2019-05-21 17:35:08
Beeswax is a product made from the honeycomb of the honeybee and other bees. Bees consume about eight times as much honey and fly 150,000 miles to create one pound of beeswax. The mixing of pollen oils into honeycomb wax turns the white wax into a yellow or brown color. Beeswax is generally available as yellow, white, or bleached. Yellow beeswax comes directly from the honeycomb, while white and bleached beeswax come from yellow beeswax. Man-made versions of beeswax have been manufactured to look like natural beeswax.As medicine, beeswax is used for lowering cholesterol and for relieving pain. It is also used for swelling (inflammation), ulcers, diarrhea, and hiccups.In foods and beverages, white beeswax and beeswax absolute (yellow beeswax treated with alcohol), are used as stiffening agents.